
Darul Infaq

August 2022

DARUL INFAQ – AUGUST 2022 UPDATE As-Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu. Firstly, like always, I would like to first submit my gratitude to Allah SWT for HIS mercy for the growth of Darul Infaq so far. Alhamdulillah it has grown significantly since its inception. Secondly, my sincere thanks to my committed donors and teams […]

Darul Infaq's Foundation's July 2022

July 2022

DARUL INFAQ – JULY 2022 Update **and *EID-UL-ADHA REPORT.* As-Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu Firstly, by the grace and mercy of Allah SWT, I am glad to share with you *Darul Infaq’s July 2022 Report and Eidul Adha update **of activities in Hyderabad and Karachi. Darul Infaq’s July 2022 Report and Eidul Adha To […]

Ramadan 2022 Report

May 2022

*DARUL INFAQ – MAY 2022 Update **and *RAMADAN REPORT 2022. As-Salaam Alaikum, Firstly, Alhamdulillah, we all were blessed to have enjoyed the auspicious month of Ramadan, Ramadan 2022 Report along with our brothers and sisters (with limited resources) in Islam. Consequently, may Allah accept our fasting, prayers, Zakat, and Sadaqa. Aameen. Furthermore, by the grace […]


April 2022

*DARUL INFAQ – April 2022 Update **and *RAMADAN PROGRESS. As-Salaam Alaikum, Firstly, with my sincere gratitude and thanks to Allah SWT, to my committed donors, and to Darul Infaq’s dedicated team on the ground, I am glad to share with you the update for this month. Additionally, Alhamdulillah, the blessed month of Ramadan Progress is […]

Darul Infaq Foundation is a US registered 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to Darul Infaq Foundation are tax exempt in USA. Tax ID # 87-2961703.