May 2022

Ramadan 2022 Report

*DARUL INFAQ – MAY 2022 Update **and *RAMADAN REPORT 2022.

As-Salaam Alaikum,

Firstly, Alhamdulillah, we all were blessed to have enjoyed the auspicious month of Ramadan, Ramadan 2022 Report along with our brothers and sisters (with limited resources) in Islam. Consequently, may Allah accept our fasting, prayers, Zakat, and Sadaqa. Aameen. Furthermore, by the grace and mercy of Allah SWT, I am glad to share with you **Darul Infaq’s Ramadan 2022 Report **of activities in Hyderabad and Karachi.

To begin with, 16020 freshly cooked meals were distributed throughout Ramadan to the poor and homeless. For instance, this included daily IFTAAR Dastarkhan *that was laid out – open to all – in Karachi and served *2520 meals in 21 days. Additionally, this also included 50 daily IFTAAR meals to the orphanage kids.

In addition to that, it was reported that with the new living conditions and nutrition there was a significant change in their behavior and health. Alhamdulillah. Consequently, Seema and her family are continuously monitoring them and trying for their academic development as well.

Additional Information

Furthermore, 11 FIDYA packs (Full month of groceries for 4-5 members per household) were delivered in Ramadan. Moreover, 110 Custom made clothes for orphans (boys and girls) for Eid ul Fitr were delivered.

On the other hand, $1670 for FITRA were disbursed in kind as a FITRA packs to 122 deserving households (5 members per household) in Karachi. To elaborate, the FITRA packs had **5 days of basic groceries **per household.

In addition, 230 Regular monthly grocery packages plus EID supplemental packages *(With Eid provisions – Siwaiyyan, Dates, sugar, milk and dried fruits) were delivered to households of 4-6 members, *a week before EID.

On the contrary, the 501(c)(3) Tax exempt status is still pending. In fact, the IRS is currently processing the applications submitted in September 2021. Moreover, Darul Infaq’s application was submitted in December 2021.

Finally, once again, please accept my sincere gratitude for your continued contribution and support, and to my dedicated teams on the ground in Hyderabad and Karachi for their hard work to make this happen. In conclusion, may Allah accept our efforts and bless everyone involved with HIS ultimate rewards in the here and hereafter. Aameen.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Jazakallah khair
Abid Syed
Darul Infaq Foundation USA.
630-618-9988 Cell/WhatsApp

Darul Infaq Foundation is a US registered 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to Darul Infaq Foundation are tax exempt in USA.

Tax ID # 87-2961703.