How it started


How Darul Infaq started?

It started as a very humble desire and personal effort to serve humanity for the sake of Allah. This idea or desire is to provide groceries to households with very limited or no financial resources.

Through the generosity of a growing network of donors and volunteers, the initial effort expanded to provide groceries on a recurring basis from a few to hundreds of families. With the increase in donations and the growth of the recipients of monthly groceries, it became imperative that a non-profit organization to be formed. Hence, Darul Infaq Foundation USA was formed and registered with the Secretary of State, Illinois and with IRS in October 5, 2021 as a non-profit organization.

Darul Infaq has also expanded to offering assistance with school fees to households with very limited or no financial resources, assistance with emergency medical expenses to those in need and distributing cooked food to the homeless.

Darul Infaq Foundation is a US registered 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to Darul Infaq Foundation are tax exempt in USA.

Tax ID # 87-2961703.