July 2022

Darul Infaq's Foundation's July 2022


As-Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

Firstly, by the grace and mercy of Allah SWT, I am glad to share with you *Darul Infaq’s July 2022 Report and Eidul Adha update **of activities in Hyderabad and Karachi. Darul Infaq’s July 2022 Report and Eidul Adha

To begin with, just like in 2021, your contributions for Qurbani benefited many of our brothers and sisters (with limited resources) in Islam and they all celebrated Eid ul Adha along with us. Consequently, approximately 3000 Kgs* of meat was distributed to **600+ **households over the 3 days of Eid-ul-Adha, Alhamdulillah.

Furthermore, 1000 freshly cooked meals were distributed throughout July to the poor and homeless. In fact, this is being done regularly every month on weekly basis. Alhamdulillah.

Additionally, *45 new digital watches were given as Eid ul Adha gift to the orphans.

Moreover, *240 Regular monthly grocery packages including cash assistance for other needs were provided.

On the other hand, the 501(c)(3) Tax exempt status is still pending. In fact, the IRS is currently processing the applications submitted in November 2021. Furthermore, Darul Infaq’s application was submitted in December 2021. Consequently, as soon as I get the IRS Tax Exempt Approval, I will share the good news with you. In’sha’Allah.

Finally, once again, my sincere gratitude for your continued contribution and support, and to my dedicated teams on the ground in Hyderabad and Karachi for their hard work to make this happen. In conclusion, may Allah accept our efforts and bless everyone involved with HIS ultimate rewards in the here and hereafter. Aameen.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Jazakallah khair
Abid Syed
Founder & President
Darul Infaq Foundation USA.
630-618-9988 Cell/WhatsApp

Darul Infaq Foundation is a US registered 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to Darul Infaq Foundation are tax exempt in USA.

Tax ID # 87-2961703.